Monday 8 March 2010

Book of Shadows Spells

Book of Shadows Spells

There is, quite simply, more to this life than most people restrain themselves to seeing. If you want to live in the ‘working man’s reality’ then that is fine. I spent my childhood being told to ‘stop dreaming about magic’. First of all, it’s magick. Secondly, I’d rather my eyes were open thank you very much. Welcome to the book of shadows spells, a collection of real working spells for you to study, learn from and cast.

The book of shadows spells are not to be taken lightly. Any spell can be changed upon intent, if you mean to do harm with any spell within this website, just remember the rule of three. It will come back to you.

We get a lot of requests for book of shadow spells charmed from the charmed TV show, it is possible to base a spell on something you’ve seen on the show but I would always advise making your own spells rather than using someone else’s. We do have a section for that however, if that’s what you prefer.

Now, to protect against spam we’ve had to enable some spam protection, sorry about this but we were forced into it. People were stealing the spells from book of shadows and we had to dissuade them. It’s easy to get around, just do one of their survey things and it marks you as a ‘non spammer’ and allows you into the rest of the site.